Aestheticians are trained in skin wellness,helping their clients to balance oil and moisture content and achieve a healthy, youthful complexion. As well as various facial treatments, they commonly also perform other services such as permanent makeup, tattooing, microchanneling, chemical peels, and eyelash extensions, lifts and tints.
A variety of treatments and products are used to protect skin from environmental hazards and combat fine lines, wrinkles and uneven skin tone. Aestheticians are also skilled at managing other conditions, such as acne, rosacea, eczema and dry skin to name just a few, Additionally, aestheticians are trained to recognize early warning signs of skin cancers and other medical conditions that could affect your skin and will refer you to an appropriate dermatologist, if necessary.
During your first visit, your aesthetician will ask you to fill out a short intake form (depending upon the procedure you are having). Then you will receive a detailed analysis and explanation of what is to come next. A good aesthetician will provide you with a long term treatment plan and also recommend an appropriate home care routine as well as giving you detailed instructions of how to use your home care or aftercare. Your aesthetician should be "skin coach" who answers questions, provides explanations and examples, and supports you through whatever service you are having. The best aestheticians will also become your friends and supporters in life :)